How and why this e-book is going to be

We are full of small or big dreams. Some of us follow life signs as the best guide to live, others in another hand live the life worth to live in a way they think it's the best and nobody can tell you which way is the one. The only thing is left - just do it!
My decision was made - live it as it is the best for me. I decided to share my life story with the people I know and I would like to get to know. I opened my life in a way which I am thinking is possible to understand. I hope you will understand it too.
Every page I am posting is caused by my inner feelings at the very moment; every impression or accident I had in my recent life. By doing this I want to share my story without creating any opinion in your head, without judging anybody as I am not God and not going to be the one, just make you see, feel, think about... the moment we live right now! 
Life kicked once in my life to think that I want to live in Estonia and here I am. Life kicked me to think that I will have better life here and I do. Life kicked me to start writing this book and I am writing. Life kicked you to read what I am writing and  you doing it and I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoy writing it.

I wish you to stay cool and classy as the black colour stays; I wish you to be passionate and eager to live as a red colour does. Or you can just be a star in somebody's eyes so shiny and bright that people would be amazed of you, but never forget - even the life kicks you always go forward!

Take a glass of wine, focus and go forward as much as you can :)