One morning woman as an every morning
went out from her home to the yard and saw there sitting 3 old mans with long
and white beards. She didn’t know no of them…
Woman asked them: “I don’t know you, but
you look hungry. Please, come inside and I will give you some food.”
Old mans as one told her: “Is there a
man inside?”
Woman replied: “No, he’s not there”
“In that case we can’t come inside” -,
added all.
In the evening, then man came back home,
woman told him in a hurry about what has happened in the morning. Man said: “Go
and tell them that now they can come in!”
She listen for him and went outside to invite them once again.
Old mans replied: “We can’t go in all together”. She asked: “Why
One of them slowly explained: “His name - Wealth” and showed to
one of his friends by pointing the finger and said: “His name – Success, I am –
Love.” And then he added: “Now go home and decide with your husband, which one
of us is the most welcome to your home.”
Woman did how she was asked to do. Man was very happy: “It’s
just wonderful!” he said. “In that case, I think, we need to invite Wealth. He
can fulfill our home with so many good things!”
Woman disagreed: “Dear, why don’t we invite the Success?”
While they were discussing, a daughter said the word by standing
nearby and listen for everything. Suddenly she said: “What if we would invite
to our home Love? Then our home would be full of love!”
“I guess we should listen for our only one daughter”-, said a
“Go and invite Love, let him be our guest”-, offered a husband.
Wife went to the yard and asked: “Which one of you is Love?
Please, come inside and be our guest as long as you want.”
Love stood up and started to go home. Meanwhile the rest of Old
man stood up too and started to follow him. Woman with surprise asked: “I
invited inside only Love, why you both are going together?”
Old man told together: “If you would have been invited only
Wealth and Success then we would have stayed outside, but because you invited
Love, where ever it would go, we would follow. Because where is Love, there is
Wealth and Success together!!!”