HE kicks life forward!

He will start soon his 18th years. He is the one I always ask about then I speak with my parents. He is the one who comes to sleep with me then I am at my parents. He is always very good to me then I am home. It’s my cat PIKIS!

You may think he is just a cat, but he is the cat who inspires us more than any person in the world and let me tell you why!

From the very first moment he came into our lives he was already fighting, so he got the name PIKIS, which means “angry”. He wasn’t angry, but he used to come and fight with my Dad and every fight was starting from him getting angry and getting to the attack. Even though we were living in two bad rooms flat, but he always run around for few times to show how much he is capable of.
Soon, a year after, he was doing it with our dog and all he wanted to prove – he is the owner of the flat and nobody else may try to own it. Even my small bad has always been occupied by him, me and the dog just to prove he is the owner of everything in this flat.

Twelve years after and our dog passed away. For our surprise Pikis was sad for four months for another intruder who has just left his world. Believe it or not, his small heart was divided into 5 parts and he loved everybody in his apartments. 

Year after year he became a cat we loved so so much that he gave us much more than we could ever dreamed of. Of course he didn’t need to fight anymore for any corner in the flat, but he was always looking for the attention, so he got it every day more and more, just ways of getting it became annoying and have started to drive parents crazy, but I kept on saying: “Don’t say any bad word because one day he may not be here for any reason.” Believe it or not, but I felt with my heart something is going to happen and it did. For almost 10 days he couldn’t walk because of the stroke… 

You may know what consequences it can cause and we prayed the God he would recover. We brought him hundreds of kilometers away to show him for doctors. He was fed as he couldn’t keep his head up. He couldn’t do anything, just to open his eyes. Those 10 days were heart braking and painful, but for our surprise he started to walk! Can you imagine what does it cost for him, 17 years old cat? I have no idea either! One thing I know – he is a fighter I have learned so much from him.

I learned:
-        -   How much love can do;
-        - How much you can reach if you want to;
-       -   How much you must appreciate every moment with your beloved ones;
-        -  How painful it is just to think that one day he or she won’t be in this world;
-         - How important it is to say how much you love;
-        - How it is important to admire everybody who is next to you!...

Keep the list coming, because one day it might be stopped and you will regret how much haven’t been said. I call myself happy because Pikis always heard me saying how much I love him and I know he appreciated it, this is the main reason he still kicks the life forward.


LIST what do you WANT

Life is like Mohombi’s song – Bumpy ride! I love this song for the meaning it gives.

At least mine is. Recent two years of mine has been so interesting that I am still thinking: “Girl, you should start writing a book, just include lots of colors, because it is what makes your life so amazing!” Believe me or not, I have done so many changes, so many thoughts crossed my mind till I became who I am in a place I am right now, but this is not what I am going to talk about. This post is about The List. Why the List is so important? Very simple – it helps thing/s to materialize.

I should admit that for two years I pushed all the guys away, because I was hurt by one, so I wrote down for myself that any guy will never hurt me again. At least until I will let one into my heart. But at the beginning of 2014 I understood that I don’t want to be anymore “go away boys” girl, so I made a list called “My King is” with all advantages and disadvantages of him. The list you see below (in Lithuanian as I am the one) and I have started to feel the way I was already in the relationship with him. The next thing I did – I took an action to meet him. I realized I am the one who is not going to parties or clubs, most of my friends are busy and not matchmakers at all, so what could I do?

One day I was searching on the internet and all of the sudden I saw the site called “blind dating” and I signed for it. As funny as it sounds, it wasn’t the best thing to do, at least not in Lithuania! Anyway, I was happy I took this big step by myself, because as I was observing people at the event, just few came by themselves, others – with friends. Later on my friend came to visit me and she just said: “You know there is an app called ‘Tinder’, which is cool for meeting new people.” Two weeks later I remembered it and I tried it. What’s the result? In one week I managed to go to 5 blind dates, in one day I made 3! Unfortunately the 5th one was the last one – I met my King. I checked my list – he is just the way I wanted. Now, after 3 months, I am on one more challenge – to work on it and keep it right.

So WHAT you should do to get what you WANT?

- FIGURE out what you want;
·         - ANSWER the question WHY you want it;
·        -  LIST all good's and bad's;
·         - FEEL like you have it;
·         - TAKE an action and talk about it;
·         -  ADORE what you get or you will loose it.
The next thing I got in the same period – the new flat I had to find in two weeks. I had a short period to find it, so I made a list of it (second list in the picture), started talking that I am looking for the flat and in a few days I had it. 
BELIEVE it or not, it works the magic! I encourage you as all my people around to list all the things you want, to follow the list of actions I mentioned above and share your results with everybody, because I know you can have ANYTHING YOU WANT!


How to programme yourself fot the success!

Dear All,

It's been a while since the last post I uploaded and the reason was - I was miserable!
I believe a lot of people feels like that and I understand them totally.

I have been reading a lot of books of successful people. I attracted to my life a lot of successful people, but I didn't keep them in my life, because of all my negative thoughts in my mind, which I was responsible of.
Tonight probably something happened to me... I realized that if I am not going to figure out what I want from this life it will continue so I have started to come up with ideas. I won't share (sorry) on this post my ideas, but I promise soon enough you will hear about it, but now I want to share video with Carrie Green (very successful entrepreneur) talking about how she programmed herself for the success, because I believe it can help you as it helped for lots of other people.

Take a look, Ladies and Gentlemen, and don't forget to share what do you think!

Antony Robbins projektas Lietuvoje!

Išlaisvink savyje slypinčią galią!

Vienas garsiausių pasaulyje konsultantų, verslininkų, perkamiausių knygų “Neribota galia” ir “Pažadink savyje milžiną” autorius Antony Robbins yra įsitikinęs, kad mūsų gyvenimas yra sąlygotas mūsų pačių pasirinkimo. Jo įsitikinimu – valdžia ir galia – aukščiausia prasme – tai gebėjimas kurti tokštamus rezultatus ir tuo pat metu duoti naudą kitiems. Tai galimybė keisti savo gyvenimą, pačiam formuoti savo pasaulėžiūrą, pakreipti įvykius taip, kad aplinkybės eitų išvien su mumis, o ne prieš mus.
Kompanijos "Success Resources“ Europos plėtros departamento vadovė Asel Sydykova sako:  „Aš ne visuomet tikėjau, kad mes galim, o pabendravusi ir pasimokiusi iš Anthony Robbins, supratau, kad kiekvienas iš mūsų gali įveikti didžiausią dvejonę - save!" .
Išlaisvink savyje slypinčią galią!
Tai - naujas motyvacinis seminaras Lietuvoje remiantis motyvacijos guru Antony Robbins mokymų metodika. Jį ves vienos iš didžiausių pasaulyje mokymų kompanijos „Success Resources“, kuri tiesiogiai dirba su Tony Robbins, atstovė, lektorė, organizatorė ASel Sydykova. Tai 6 valandų renginys, pagrįstas Antony Robbins pasaulinio lygio programa : "Unleash the power within 2014“.
Ši programa,  populiari visame pasaulyje, jau GREITAI ir LIETUVOJE!
Jei norite būti pirmieji ir sužinoti daugiau informacijos apie greitai vyksiantį renginį, užpildykite išankstinės registracijos formą ir gaukite geriausią pasiūlymą pirmieji!

Keletas atsiliepimų iš jau įvykusio tokio pat renginio Taline:

Neįtikėtinai gerai suorganizuotas renginys. Viskas buvo apgalvota ir parengta. Man asmeniškai labai patiko. Tai buvo ta diena, kuri tam tikra prasme pakeitė mano gyvenimą. Gerda Roszarnik

Man patiko tai, kad ten buvo įvairių pratimų bei užduočių. Mes neturėjome tik sėdėti ir nuolat klausytis. Taip pat tai buvo gera proga susipažinti su įdomiais ir reikalingais žmonėmis. Sille Martma

Tai buvo įkvepiantis seminaras, kuris davė gerą progą pabėgti nuo kasdienybės. Gavau gerų patarimų ir motyvacijos, kaip išspręsti kasdieninius savo darbo reikalus. Aš tikiu, kad ši patirtis padės likti motyvuotai ilgą laiką. Külli Pedaste.

Aš gavau gerų idėjų, kurios pakeitė mano kasdienį mąstymą, padėjo išsikelti tikslus ir veikti! Pille Mutli.
