I have just asked my smart brother Vilius (you already know him :)) to give me an idea what I should write for you today about and he asked me to tell about technique of creativity we learned we were in "National Achievers Congress'12" in London.
"Tell them that "thoughts become our words, our words become our actions and our actions become our results" Vilius offered and I did it or 'kuku', as french people say :D As you all see it's very very simple: thoughts/ideas -> actions -> results. The same we read about it long time ago, I guess, most of you also did, but me and my brother had to go to London that Tony Robbins once again would remaind us that the life kicks you and you must do something!
Probably, that what I have just wrote doesn't make sense, but I will try it would :)
The first word you read before reading this post was "Tallinn". As I said in a previous post, in Estonia there are living so many creative people that you might be surprised how everyday technique of creativity works! But while I haven't taken any interview from any of them I will give an example from my life.
"Tallinn, my beloved Tallinn!" this thought was crossing my mind all 3 past years! Chihuahua, Lina, as my ex-boss would say :D and at least once I would admit that he is right I was so much obsesed with the idea to come once again to Tallinn to have the same crazy time I had before while being Erasmus and never ever leave Tallinn! Here we go - I am here with a big plan, which would keep me here ar least... forever :)))
So, it was thought, next comes - action! What I did? As I knew that my chance to be Erasmus once again is theoreticaly not possible, I have started keep in my mind a question: "How I can make it to go there once again?" Just like that! Simple, isn't it? :) Why I did it? I knew one secret - the universe follows you! It means - your ideas/thoughts will come true and it doesn't matter, either they are postive or negative! So I kept on thinking and thinking... and one day I saw and ad in our university intranet that I can be the one who go abroad to study on billateral agreement! "Perfect!!!" I thought :) of course, it wasn't that easy as it was by applying for Erasmus - different conditions, different program, that makes sense. As all you know I wanted that so much that I started to work on this - I took an action! I've got all papers I needed (hrrr, bureaucracy in LT) and I applied. Then two weeks of waiting to be invited for motivational talk with university staff. More two weeks for waiting results and... I've got a chance - the result - I am going!!! :))
That's so simple, but we are thinking too difficult and life become difficult... do we really need it? I guess not!
Even while writing this post I was listening the radio where one competition took place and the guy won the watch he wanned so long. How it looked like? He wanted (thought)/he took an action - he called to the radio/he won - result! Simple, so so simple :)
By doing it we can have what ever we want, okey, there are some exceptions :D but 88% possible :)
Guys, what are you waiting for? I know that you want something - girl/boy, car or earings - just take an action and it yours!
I am sure, Tony Robbins would say for me: "Good Girl!" :) but as he's not here, we can keep on doing something, which will make us happy ;)
Thought/action/result - happy happy happy!!!
Always Yours,