Tallinn, Tony Robins, Technique of Creativity!!!

I have just asked my smart brother Vilius (you already know him :)) to give me an idea what I should write for you today about and he asked me to tell about technique of creativity we learned we were in "National Achievers Congress'12" in London.

"Tell them that "thoughts become our words, our words become our actions and our actions become our results" Vilius offered and I did it or 'kuku', as french people say :D As you all see it's very very simple: thoughts/ideas -> actions -> results. The same we read about it long time ago, I guess, most of you also did, but me and my brother had to go to London that Tony Robbins once again would remaind us that the life kicks you and you must do something!

Probably, that what I have just wrote doesn't make sense, but I will try it would :)
The first word you read before reading this post was "Tallinn". As I said in a previous post, in Estonia there are living so many creative people that you might be surprised how everyday technique of creativity works! But while I haven't taken any interview from any of them I will give an example from my life.

"Tallinn, my beloved Tallinn!" this thought was crossing my mind all 3 past years! Chihuahua, Lina, as my ex-boss would say :D and at least once I would admit that he is right I was so much obsesed with the idea to come once again to Tallinn to have the same crazy time I had before while being Erasmus and never ever leave Tallinn! Here we go - I am here with a big plan, which would keep me here ar least... forever :)))
So, it was thought, next comes - action! What I did? As I knew that my chance to be Erasmus once again is theoreticaly not possible, I have started keep in my mind a question: "How I can make it to go there once again?" Just like that! Simple, isn't it? :) Why I did it? I knew one secret - the universe follows you! It means - your ideas/thoughts will come true and it doesn't matter, either they are postive or negative! So I kept on thinking and thinking... and one day I saw and ad in our university intranet that I can be the one who go abroad to study on billateral agreement! "Perfect!!!" I thought :) of course, it wasn't that easy as it was by applying for Erasmus - different conditions, different program, that makes sense. As all you know I wanted that so much that I started to work on this - I took an action! I've got all papers I needed (hrrr, bureaucracy in LT) and I applied. Then two weeks of waiting to be invited for motivational talk with university staff. More two weeks for waiting results and... I've got a chance - the result - I am going!!! :))

That's so simple, but we are thinking too difficult and life become difficult... do we really need it? I guess not!
Even while writing this post I was listening the radio where one competition took place and the guy won the watch he wanned so long. How it looked like? He wanted (thought)/he took an action - he called to the radio/he won - result! Simple, so so simple :)

By doing it we can have what ever we want, okey, there are some exceptions :D but 88% possible :)

Guys, what are you waiting for? I know that you want something - girl/boy, car or earings - just take an action and it yours!

I am sure, Tony Robbins would say for me: "Good Girl!" :) but as he's not here, we can keep on doing something, which will make us happy ;)

Thought/action/result - happy happy happy!!!

Always Yours,

My beauty Queen Erika ;)

This post is for my Beauty Queen - Erika ;)

I met this Beauty Queen not that so long before - almost two years ago and since then we are good friends who can tell so much for each other about ;) But why she is a Beauty Queen for me? That's simple - all the time we lived together she was complitely into beauty and fashion: beautiful nails, dresses, popular colors, hair style, etc. Actually, I was lucky cause I had fashion advisor next to me for one year and thanx to her, I learned a lot!

More over, she is not only beautiful lady, but she is a very smart, inteligent, clever, good, educated, loving children person. She loves people and wants to help them as much as she can! In fact, I am amazed she started to help poor girls/woman to make them beauty Queens as she is without taking money for it, but just willing to be useful for somebody! Isn't that beautiful, is it? :) I can announce - she is beautiful not only from the outside, but and from the inside!

But this girl wasn't always like she is now. As a child she had a hard time and saw so much bad things, people, experienced so much that I am surprised that she changed so much while we were together and she is still growing by discovering herself in a good way and I am very proud of her :)

One thing she is never missing - smile! :) She smiles all the time, okey, not all the time, except days, which makes woman like horrible (woman will understand me :)) At that time her life looks like a huricane or salats - a little bit of healthy mind + spicy emotions + playing tummy = PMS or Possible that Miracle will Supress :))

Few more things I like so much about her - the sense of humour and the way how she listens for others! Just because I am far away from her, we don't have so much live contact, but we found a solution - e-mails (nothing so much suprising, I guess :)) In 10 to 15 days I receive an e-mail telling me about her life and how does it looks like? Painfully funny for my tummy :))) She always knows how to describe her past events in the most funniest way! But she never forgets that she is writing for important person and always express her oppinion in the best way about what was written for her, so you can always be sure that what you wrote it was worth to do :)

I have seen so many times how life kicked her, but one thing I was always sure about - she is never going be the same - only better, more clever, smart, attractive and much more better for others! 
I know whoever will deserve her respect, will feel amazed by having her in his/her life, even far away :) The last thing I know about her - she will be successful Beauty Queen! :)

Let the life kick You that you would go much more futher!

Always Yours,

I am lucky I have a brother like YOU!

This evening post is for my Brother - the one, wonderful, beloved!

Isn't he gorgeous? :D He is almost like Anthony Robbins! :) He has ability to help for people as Thony does, he is clever as Thony is and I know he will be successful one day as Thony is. It is not like he is not successful now, but he will have so much money that he will be able to help not even for my friends who are now far apart from me, but also for people in Africa! By now he also helped me in situations then a boyfriend screwed on me (of course I shouldn't say that loudly :D) or then I didn't have any motivation to do anything! I am so grateful for YOU and you know that :)

Once we have been children and teenagers we were like biggest enemies for each other - we were shouting at each, fighting like at the World War III every single day since we turned to 20's. Since then I am saying he's my best friend, but in Lithuanian it sounds like he is my best girl-friend and he doesn't like it, chi chi, but I like it :)))

He is also special because he changed himself so much I am amazed about! Years ago he was a boy he was doubting that maybe he can't make friends and now he is sometimes more open than I am, 1+ for you my friend! :) He is always helping with my big and heavy luggage I am always taking to any trip or bringing home - he is the first one to carry it that nobody else would need to do it in our family, one more 1+ for you :)
He is cooking so good as our Mom! Basically in our home kitchen he or our Mom is cooking and cooking so delicious that me and our Dad just need to wash dishes. Girls, think about it, because I might have grab a guy like he is to have a perfect marriage, at least at the kitchen! :D
He is twice Lithuania karate shotokan champion!!! He was doing karate since the 4th grade, so I have been always safe whereever I would go with him and he had never aloud for anybody to touch me with a finger! Any doubts that he is getting a perfect husband? :)

More over he is a party Lion - every party he attended, he makes it fun and unforgetable because of the humour sense he has! Of course, he wouldn't have it if he wouldn't be so smart as he is :) One more important thing - friends he has! They are more than crazy and friends he might have forever and ever :)

All in all, I have a wonderful brother sent by God! I am glad I can listen to him then he needs it and I know I will always be listened by him whenever I need it and will get clever and wise advice :) I hope most of you has a brother or sister like he is or you haven't discovered you have such kind of person next to you! I am glad into my mind came this idea early enough to value people close to me and, actually, the one so close I will ever have :)

Take a look into the person next to you, because s/he might be the best you ever could have!

Always Yours,

My special friend Brigita!

Today I was going home and have got an idea that I must to tell for the world what kind of people surround me and decided I must to tell about BRIGITA - my old, time proved and tested friend :)


Actually, I must be studying right now estonian language, but I can't, because I just want to tell a story about this cute girl, which once asked me to write a book about us - me, Brigita and Dovile (one day I will tell a story about her too :)) Haven't decided how I must call this book, but it will be simply difficult name, as these  two girls :)

Let me start by saying that Brigita (Briga or Bri) has always been fan of hourses. I remember then we were only 16 we went to celebrate her birthday and on her room walls I saw horses, horses and only horses. But thing I have never done - I didn't ask why she likes them, but I think it's more than clear that these animals deserve to be liked, the same as she does :) 
So, if you are having hard time to remember what is that special about Brigita or horses, so remember either Brigita or horses and I think you will get the point :) So, now back to Brigita and I should say that she was my classmate since the 8th grade. Since then we were having all our leisure time together, okey, not all. She sometimes liked to inform us few minutes left before the meeting that she has something important to do and this drived us crazy for few years, but she was always been forgiven, just because it is BRIGITA :))) 
Year by year we discovered that she has a tallent and she is willing to be expressed at art by doing some nice things, such as earings, colorful boxes or paintings. I am preaty sure it's because of her mom, which has always been so fantastic at this, so apple went not that far from the tree :)

One day we decided to go to one woman to get to know our future from cards. At that time, I remember, we were 16 - teenagers, having some issues as all teenagers have, so it was one of the opption to find what is wrong with us. Kidding, thats not true :))) anyway, we went there and we discovered that Brigita has a brother. As I was keeping myself good friend of Brigita I thought that I know everything about her, but no less she was surprised that she has a brother even though she has only a sister. So we left with a surprise in our faces and with some other good news, luckely :) 
Time passed really fast at the gymnasium we were attending and at the last grade Brigita once came to me with a face kinda strange. She told me: "Lina, I need to talk to you, but you must nobody tell what I am going to tell for you!" As you see we acted like a typical teenagers still! So, what has been left for me? I promissed and she told me: "I am going to have a brother or sister!" Holly Crap, I thought, you are too old for this! Sadly, she thought the same and we sat by thinking, what is going on with this world, because she is nearly 18 and she is going to have a brother, that's not possible! Suddenly, to our minds came back what that woman said to Brigita - she really has a brother! I can prove you :)
This nice pirate got a name - Šarūnas and he became a smart guy, who is going to be soon 6 years! I can promise him he will be quite popular between girls, because he knows how to use the tongue in every conversation and I am sure it is a big job of Brigita, she knows how to do it too :))
After she became a sister again and finished the school she decided to continue her passion - to work or be with horses, so she found the shool in Kaunas and went there. Sadly, only for one year, because she changed her mind and decided to study law! Holly Crap (again), she was still solving her teenager issues, I thought :D but, I should admit, she was quite good at this and was trying to use her knowledge at the real life and as far as I know she helped for some people. Then I thought, she is a real friend of mine! :) 

What else special I can tell about her? :) She is a lion! Real real Lion! As being friends, me and Dovilė, we managed to work with it, but there were people, who couldn't - her boyfriends! Poor guys, I should say, couldn't handle such a strong woman with such a strong oppinion, but she has always found something good about every boy she had and I was always surprised how patient she is :))) but one thing I sure about here - she can be a perfect woman - she can take care about family, children, but she will need a business man, because she is a beautiful woman, who needs to work on beauty, which is expenssive :) Good news for guys - she is single now and can make at least one guy happy, if she wants it :)))

But once she had a really sad periond in her life while she was only 20-22 and what made me proud of her? Even the life kicked her, but she learned the lesson - it was a lesson about the life, about the money, about the people she is surrounded! I am so proud that I could help her and she valued all my words I sad for her and there is still on my mind few words she wrote at my "Bye Bye" party: "Thank you for all your support, advices you gave to me. I hope you've got at least a little peace what you gave for me!" It was only one sentence, which can do so much! I am proud one more time that she is a good person and she is my friend.

This is our Brigita - beauty queen, party lion, tallented artist with a big heart for horses and with a diploma of the law :) all in all, special person for me, because of the time I had with and all small talks, parties we participated in. All memories are left on my mind about her makes to be a special friend of mine!  

Make it simple, make it special or make it from all your heart and you will be simply the best for me!

Always yours,

I don't believe in words, but I believe in body language

A must to use "Googletranslator" for non-lithuanians

Žodžiais netikiu, bet kūno kalba tikiu

Sėdžiu aš autobuse ir pro langą stebiu prie autobusų stoties laukiančius keleivius. Negirdžiu, ką jie sako, o man ir nereikia, nes jų kūno kalba yra iškalbingesnė už tūkstantį žodžių ir aš ja tikiu. Tikiu ja, nes ji niekada nemeluoja ir yra tokia tyra, kaip ir ką tik gimęs vaikas.
Vyrų ir moterų supratimas
Pradėkime nuo prisiminimų apie situaciją, kuomet kalbiesi su pažįstamu ar menkai pažįstamu žmogumi, kuris tau taip gražiai viską pasakoja, kloja kelią rožėmis, o pasibaigus pokalbiui susimąstai: „Ar tik jis man nepamelavo?“ arba „Man atrodo, čia kažkas ne taip“. Ar yra tau taip kada nutikę? Manau, ne kartą. Paslaptis tokia, kad jos net nėra – mūsų abejones sukelia neatitikimas žodžių ir to, ką mums „pasako“ kūnas. Dažnas iš mūsų nesusimąsto, jog mes pasąmoningai suprantame esant melui, tačiau nesuvokiame „kame šaknys“. Štai čia turiu nuvilti vyrus bei pasveikinti moteris su tuo, jog jos yra nuovokesnės ir pastabesnės. Beje, šį „talentą“ patobulina augindamos vaikus, kai tuo tarpu dažnas vyras praleidžia daug ką pro akis. Paklauskime moters, kodėl vaikas verkia, ir ji tikrai supras, ar jam skauda, ar jis alkanas. Tačiau paklausus vyro, kas yra vaikui, jis atsakys: „Vaikas tik verkia, paverks ir nustos“. Nenukabinkite nosies, vyručiai, išmokti to galite ir jūs.
Kūno kalbos svarba
Žmonės jau daugiau kaip milijoną metų bendraudami naudoja kūno kalbos priemones, tačiau tik pastaraisiais dešimtmečiais imta moksliškai tyrinėti neverbalinio bendavimo ypatumus. Manau, per porą dešimtmečių ši sritis bus iš naujo „atrasta“ visame pasaulyje ir neverbalinio bendravimo reikšmė bei įtaka žmonių tarpusavio santykiuose taps privaloma formaliojo išsilavinimo dalimi. Dar 1971 metais buvo skelbiami Luisvilio universiteto (JAV) profesoriaus Rėjaus Birdwhistel‘io atliekamų tyrimų rezultatai, kurie nustatė, jog didžiausią informacijos kiekį žmogus žmogui perduoda kaip tik gestais, pozomis ir tarpusavio padėties bei atstumų manipuliacijomis. Štai kodėl nutinka taip, jog pasibaigus pokalbiui mes nesuprantame, teisybę sakė ar melavo pašnekovas.
Stiprinant tikėjimą neverbaline komunikacija buvo atlikta dar daugiau tyrimų, kurie įrodė, kad iš žodžių mes gauname tik 7 proc. informacijos. 93 proc. informacijos gauname iš kūno kalbos bei balso intonacijos. Juk ne veltui vilkas suplonindavo balsą kalbindamas Raudonkepuraitę užsukti pas jį į svečius.
Studentų gestų kalba
Ar kada atkreipėte dėmesį į tai, kaip mums yra vedama paskaita/semaras? Ar kada pagalvojote, kada mes geriau įsisaviname informaciją? Atėjus į paskaitą, kur dėstytojas naudojasi tik skaidrių medžiaga, norisi kuo greičiau iš jos išeiti. Visai kas kita klausantis dėstytojo, kuris dėstomą medžiagą pateikia paįvairindamas tam tikrais gyvenimiškais pavydžiais bei juos įliustruodamas gestais. Bet kokio seminaro, pranešimo papildymas gestais atneša sėkmę oratoriui. Turbūt sutiktumėte su manimi, kad net ir stulpas susilauktų daugiau dėmesio nei lūpos raumens pajudinimas tam tikru kampu sakant žodį.
Paskaitų metu studentus dažnai galime pastebėti sėdint nuleistomis galvomis ir ant krūtinės sukryžiavusius rankas. Geras lektorius, jaučiantis auditoriją, iš karto susigaudo, kad jo mintys nepasiekia klausytojų. Pastabus lektorius kuo puikiausiai supranta, kad studentai, sukryžiavę rankas, paskaitos metu gaunanet 40 proc. mažiau informacijos. Todėl, mieli studentai, kuo mažiau užsidarę būsite, tuo daugiau informacijos gausite bei tapsite atviresni kitiems, jei tik patikėsite, jog tam tikrų gestų ne/naudojimas gali atnešti naudos.
Galiausiai, tikiuosi, kad išaugo Jūsų tikėjimas ne žodžiais, o kūno kalba, kuri tokia galinga, koks yra ir žmogus. Pavyzdžiui, moteris, pažiūrėjusi į vyrą „žudančiu žvilgsniu“, nė nepravėrusi burnos perduoda jam labai aiškų pranešimą. Mes esame tokie protingi, kad galime išmokti atspėti apie ką žmogus tuo metu kalba negirdėdami žodžių, nes vidutinė sakinio trukmė užima vos dvi su puse sekundės, o virš 65 proc. informacijos pateikiame neverbaliniu būdu. Tai kuo dabar Jūs tikite?
Also published: http://www.bernardinai.lt/straipsnis/2011-05-18-zodziais-netikiu-bet-kuno-kalba-tikiu/62922

Every idea is worth a million, but not necessarily $

A must to use "Googletranslator" for non-lithuanians

Kiekviena idėja verta milijono, bet nebūtinai dolerių

2010 metų viduryje Elizabeth Varley ir Mike Butcher įgyvendino savo svajonę atidarydami „TechHub“ Londone, Anglijoje. Lygiai taip pat prieš šešerius metus San Franciske prasidėjo „HUB“ veikla. Tai vieta, kur įvairios kompanijos gali organizuoti savo renginius, konferencijas, o pradedantieji savo verslą – atrasti bendraminčių, dirbti, vykdyti projektus, daryti susitikimus su partneriais.
Kiekvienas iš mūsų turi įvairius poreikius ir skirtingai mąsto apie savo ateitį. Vieni baigę studijas ketina ieškoti darbo vietos didelėse kompanijose, kiti – kurti darbo vietas, dar kiti – gal tik dirbti sau. Galimybių yra apstu, tik ne visi mes apie jas žinome. Lygiai kaip daugeliui iš jūsų nežinoma „HUB“ veikla. Visai nenuostabu, nes tai yra nauja idėja, kuri, beje, jau turi šalininkų. Šis straipsnis nėra reklaminis skelbimas, kuris propaguoja „HUB“ veiklą. Tiesiog norime pasidalinti viena iš milijono galimybių, kaip ir kur galima vykdyti individualią veiklą.
HUB Vilniuje
Pasaulyje jau yra 400 centrų, kurie skatina bendradarbiavimą bei susibūrimą vienoje erdvėje, kurioje galima sutikti laisvai samdomų profesionalų. „Tai vieta, kuri skatina kūrybiškumą, bendradarbiavimą ir iniciatyvumą, suteikia galimybę dirbti komandoje ir visapusiškai tobulėti“, – teigiama „HUB Vilnius“ iniciatorių. 2010 metų spalio 29 dieną Šiaurės miestelio technologijų parke, Vilniuje atvėrė duris pirmasis „HUB“ Lietuvoje ir pasiūlė kitokį požiūrį į darbo vietą. Mums įprasta darbo vieta – biuro patalpos, stalas, kėdė, kompiuteris ir dar keli dekoracijai ar darbo patogumui skirti daiktai. Tuo tarpu „HUB“ siūlo mums įsivaizduoti kavinės su bevieliu internetu ir biuro derinį. Šis derinys sąlygoja galimybes būti unikaliu, apsuptam žmonių, nesuvaržytam, pripažintam. Grupė iniciatyvių žmonių jau šiai dienai yra subūrę penkiasdešimt „HUB“ narių, kurie dirba priimtinomis sąlygomis, tačiau jie vis dar laukia prisijungiant ir kitų. Vienu iš jų galėtum būti tu, studente, kuriam yra priimtina savarankiško darbo forma, o dirbti namuose tiesiog nepatogu.
HUB Kaune
HUB“ Kaune savo duris atvėrė 2011 metų vasario mėnesį Architektų namuose. Iniciatoriumi tituluotas Tomas Kažemėkas. Įžengus į šią erdvę pajunti, kad čia nėra jokių suvaržymų, gali jaustis jaunu ir iniciatyviu, kad ir kiek tau metų bebūtų. Svarbiausia – tai kuo puikiausia vieta tobulėjimui bei savo idėjų įgyvendinimui. Čia man teko užsukti, nes laimėjau mėnesio abonementą (besidomintys apie konkurso sąlygas galite pasiskaityti „HUB Kaunas“ „Facebook“ puslapyje). Supratau, jog tai kuo puikiausia galimybė imtis iniciatyvos ir daryti tai, ką esu suplanavusi.
„HUB Kaunas“ iniciatoriaus Tomo buvau labai šiltai sutikta ir pasveikinta tapusi nare, o mano išreikšta mintis dėl veiklos planų buvo pasveikinta su paskatinimu ją įgyvendinti su „HUB Kaunas“ pagalba. Nors aš šiuo metu apie savo veiklą pasigirti negaliu, tačiau verta pasakyti, kad jau 20 kauniečių tuo pasigirti tikrai gali. Kaip pavyzdį galiu pateikti „blogerius“, kurie čia rado vietą savo susitikimui. Nevyriausybinės organizacijos ketina čia įgyvendinti savo projektus, o akcija „Darom 2011“ liko dėkingi „HUB Kaunas“ bendruomenei už iniciatyvą ir pagalbą švarinant Kauną.
Kai nežinai nuo ko pradėti…
Nors ir subjektyvi nuomonė, tačiau neabejoju, kad „HUB“ iniciatyva gali tapti kuo puikiausia pradžia idėjų įgyvendinimui, kai kartais nežinai, kur eiti, ką daryti, kur kreiptis patarimo, nuo ko pradėti. Žinoma, kiekvienas atrandame savo laimę skirtingose situacijose, tarp skirtingų žmonių, o gal tiesiog skaitydami straipsnį, kuris generuoja idėją tolimesniam tobulėjimui.
Žinau, kad viso straipsnio metu nebandžiau paaiškinti, ką reiškia šis trijų žodžių junginys „HUB“, bet nepaaiškinsiu ir dabar, nes niekas dar to nepadarė. Paliksiu vietos kiekvieno jūsų fantazijai. Tegu ji būna mažas žingsnis link to, ką kiekvienas iš jūsų gali pasiekti baigę studijas. Juk galite sukaupti milijonus, tačiau nebūtinai litų, nes „tą valandėlę, kai imi daryti tai, ką nori, prasideda iš tiesų kitoks tavo gyvenimas“ (Richard Buckminster Fuller).

The Miracle on the Earth!

Today I've got an idea that I should share a short story about one tallented girl I met 3 years ago in Estonia, Tallinn, while I was in Erasmus. What is so special about her? Let me tell You!

I should say that she is a wonderful person, who knows how to listen and understands more than you expect :) Clever, smart, with a stong opinion, funny.... and, damn, she is tallented! Back 3 years ago than the time came for me to leave, she gave me a wonderful present...

It was a night we went out to have some girls time with two more Estonian Girls I haven't seen for such a long time... After walking all night long and dancing with a high heels we stoped in one place to eat some Estonian made potatoes. How delicious it was... :) As me being Erasmus I supposed to be crazy and proved it by showing how to dance then you are tired and sitting on the couch and Maarja took a picture of me, which turned to be a present for me. Look up how perfect she did it!!! Good news is that she is still doing it :) Now I provoke you to one thing before Christmas - to order a picture from her to give one of the best presents you can ever give to somebody!
Remember last summer I made my two besties so happy because they've got her own hand made portraits, which were so perfect and after two years they have it and keep on their walls :)

I should say that I am really blessed that I met Maarja - The Miracle on the Earth - and we ended up being such a good friends who are taking care for each even being in different countries and only then the life kicks you :) More over, she is doing such a nice work by painting so genuinely and trying to make it so perfect and she really succeed in it :)

And I know what she would say now: "E-mail me maarja.pihl@gmail.com or see me on FB as "Art by Maarja Pihl" to see more my works!" :) You must surprise your close people!

Make somebody happy to be happy by yourself!

Always Yours,

You can reach everything if you take into your hands what you need and you love yourself!

At the beggining of September my Dad offered for me to read one article about body language. He said it is good, because he knows that my pation and hobby is body language :) I did it, but I couldn't evaluate it as good one, but I started to look who wrote it and I found that it's one journalist from business magazine "Bzn start" and you know what I did? I wrote a letter for the Head of this magazine offering my service as a journalist, which is willing to write for free if she is allowed to write what she wants about and has a free schedule. What do you think has happened? I' ve go a possitive reply that I am more than welcome to start doing it! :) As you see it really proves my own statement: "You can reach everything if you take into your hands what you need and you love yourself!"


 As you can imagine I was more than happyabout it and few weeks later I have written an article, which link I shared with you in the previous post, but would like to share it once again if you don't mind :)

I am sorry for those who are not lithuanians, but "Googletranslate" helps in every case :))) enjoy it!!!


Gyvenimas – įdomiausia istorija, kurią kiekvienas pasakojame skirtingai. Be to, jis yra nenuspėjamas – vieną dieną esi plikas basas, o kitą tavo sąskaitoje puikuojasi septynženklė suma. Tokias istorijas pasakoja daugybė garsių ir turtingų žmonių – juk net 5 proc. Žemės gyventojų jos suteikė galimybę įrašyti savo vardą į garsiausiųjų sąrašą.

2012 m. spalio 5–7 dienomis Londone vieni turtingiausių pasaulio milijonierių dalijosi įspūdingomis gyvenimo istorijomis. Nacionalinis sėkmės lydimų žmonių kongresas sulaukė ypatingo dėmesio – žmonės į jį plūdo vedami siekio pakeisti gyvenimą, pasisemti patirties, idėjų ir žinių iš pasaulyje gerai žinomų asmenybių, tokių kaip Anthony Robbinsas, Donaldas Trumpas ar lordas Sebastianas Coe.

Kokia šio renginio paslaptis? Pasaulio turtingųjų nuoširdus noras pasidalyti patirtimi, kuri padės dešimtims kitų pasiekti tikslus, kurie atrodo tolimi. „Renginys padarė neišdildomą įspūdį. Atmosfera kaitino kraują ir jau po pirmos dienos norėjosi griebtis veiklos, savo gyvenimą tvarkyti taip, kaip noriu gyventi. Sėkmės lydimų žmonių kalbos įkvėpė apie gyvenimą galvoti teigiamai. Parsivežiau daug idėjų“, – prisipažino Vilius, vienas iš 90 Lietuvai atstovavusių renginio dalyvių.

Mūsų visuomenėje įprasta manyti, kad turtingi žmonės rūpinasi tik savo gerove. Vis dėlto faktai rodo ką kita. Andrew Ronaldsas kasdien pamaitina 200 Afrikos našlaičių. A. Robbinsas kasdien keičia dešimčių žmonių gyvenimą atskleisdamas jų galimybes. Ronas White‘as padeda žmonėms siekti įspūdingų rezultatų mokydamas per trumpą laiką įsiminti kuo daugiau informacijos. Galiausiai D. Trumpas perskrenda pusė pasaulio, kad per pusantros valandos pasidalytų patarimais, kurie pravers kiekvienam verslininkui.

Reikia pripažinti, mes kartais tiek mažai žinome apie didelių žmonių didelius darbus, tačiau visuomet žinome arba norime žinoti, kiek pinigų jų sąskaitose.
O kas pakeitė jų gyvenimą? Rohanas Weerasighe‘as, milijonierius, užsiimantis investavimu į nekilnojamąjį turtą, vieną dieną išgirdo pinigų skleidžiamą garsą – „chi chang“. Mokslų daktaras šį garsą išgirdo sukūręs pinigų srautą ir supratęs, kad mokymasis neišmokė mūsų, kaip priversti pinigus dirbti.

Jis padarė kitaip – pakeitė visą savo finansinį išsilavinimą ir visiems leido suprasti, kad mokykla mus moko, kaip dirbti kitiems, o ne kaip susikurti darbo vietą. Jeffas ir Kane‘as paantrino, kad kai netenki darbo ir lieki vienas, be to, be skatiko kišenėje, privalai pakeisti mąstymą, nes tik taip aplankys sėkmė.

Šie vyrukai, vieną dieną netekę beveik visko, bet ne to, ką gerai išmano, susikvietė draugus ir ėmė dalytis patirtimi. Praėjus ketveriems metams jie teikia paslaugas garsiausioms pasaulio asmenybėms, taip atskleisdami įvaizdžio svarbą ne tik viešajame gyvenime, bet ir virtualiojoje erdvėje.

Viena garsiausių internetinių parduotuvių „eBay“ Adamui Gingsbergui padėjo išgarsėti ir tapti milijonieriumi. Už viską jis dėkingas savo mamai, kuri kelias dienas įtikinėjo parduoti biliardo stalus, kurie, jos manymu, tuo metu buvo labai svarbūs tam tikrai žmonių grupei. Jis patvirtino, kad visuomet reikia sekti savo mintis, kurios veikia jausmus ir skatina veiksmus, kad gautume rezultatus, kurių norime.

„Niekada neišspręsi problemos su pinigais, nes pinigai niekada nėra problema“, – sakė Andy Harringtonas, neįtikėtinai gerai oratorystę įvaldęs milijonierius. Jis pabrėžė, kaip svarbu susikurti finansinę ateitį ne tik dėl savęs, bet ir dėl artimųjų.
Steve‘as Clementsas pritarė šiems kolegos žodžiams, nes pats turėjo užauginti tris dukras. Būdamos paauglės jos jau valdo nekilnojamąjį turtą, nes jų tėtis suprato, kaip pasinaudoti mokesčių spragomis ir iš to susikrauti turtus.

Galiausiai Gregas Seckeris bandė visus įtikinti, kad kūrybiškai investuojant į nekilnojamąjį turtą galima priversti pinigus dirbti tau, o ne pačiam dirbti dėl pinigų.
Kaip manote, ką kiekvienas jų laiko svarbiausiu verslo varikliu? Tai sistema, kuri, pasirodo, visiems yra svarbesnė už informaciją! Visi jie daugybę metų kūrė sistemas, kurios atnešė sėkmę. Anot šių turtuolių, be strategijos nieko nebus, be to, būtinas pozityvus mąstymas. Ir dar: negalima numoti ranka į idėją, kuri dažniausiai ateina netikėčiausiu metu ir gali pakeisti gyvenimą. Tik imantis tam tikrų veiksmų įmanoma pasiekti užsibrėžtus tikslus, o tai dažniausiai pareikalauja ne vieno lašo prakaito ir didelio užsispyrimo.

O kol idėja neatėjo ir nepakeitė mūsų gyvenimo, pradėkime nuo A. Reynoldso patarimo – pasiimkime popieriaus lapą, tušinuką ir skirkime sau bent valandą (versle tai būtina). Surašykime savo tikslus, o į kitą sąsiuvinį suklijuokime paveikslėlius savo vaizduotės vaisių – svajonių namo, mašinos, kelionės ir pan. Leiskime visatai padėti pasiekti tai, ko norime, tačiau nepamirškime mąstyti tik pozityviai ir būti atviri tam, ką siūlo gyvenimas. Juk kiekvienas veiksmas ar sprendimas, kurį priimame, artina prie tikslo.
D. Trumpas pritartų tam sakydamas, kad „sėkmė yra vidinio pasitikėjimo padarinys. Tu privalai mylėti save ir norėti sėkmės“.

Decide to triumph!

With a smile saying: "Hello!" :)

It has been a while I didn't write nothing here, but I've been so so busy and lived the life I was dreaming about while I was in USA... you know what I am talking about :))

As you see, first of all, I change the language of this blog, because I decided that I should do it in English and second of all, I want more people would know what I do that more changes would happen in their lives :) why? Maybe I can inspire something with what I do and to believe in himself that we are born not only exist, but also to LIVE! Life is short, so it's a must to experience everything what it's given to you!

Meanwhile I should say that my life is so so active... Just after I arrived to Tallinn, my beloved city, I have started to atted events as much as possible. While I was in USA I promised for myself that this time my ERASMUS life must be more crazy and active then it was 3 years ago, because at that time I was sitting more in the room than outside, now is totally different - I am more outside than in my dormitory room :)

So what did I do so far? Everything started from PARTIES!!! :D Erasmus period is based on parties actually :))) On a very third day I attended one party where I've got to know most of my friends, who became to be firstly friends on facebook than in reality :D strange what facebook can do and how it works great! What was the most pleasant that most of people remembered me from my post in Erasmus'12/13 group! I was surprised and turkish guys I went with where also surprised that I am so popular :) Anyways, this party was just the beggining, just... I don't remember where I was partying next day (I wasn't drunk) :D but I do remember I had a luck of sleeping, because on the first Friday I went to the trip Viljandi - Parnu - two beautiful small Estonia cities and on the way saw some beautiful nature creatures... Worth to see :)

Trip went really well, except the rain... Gosh, it was raining everyday and few times a day!!! Everybody were so tired because of that and were going like turtles in the speed of 1km/h!!! At the next day I thought I will kill somebody (one girl told that I already looked like I am going to do that), because I was so tired, so angry on the all word, which was strange, cause I haven't feel like that for such a long time :)) Good to know that at a very next day old Lina came back :D One thing, which made me happy during the trip that my new friend Heidi had a book "My Estonia" - love story about a couple of American & Estonia girl, plus interesting  facts about Estonia. It was so nice to read it and made half of book because of that and felt somehow similar to this story, because I am in a such desire to get to know Estonia more and to learn Estonian language, which is soooo difficult!!! Good news is that I will manage to speak, understand and write fluently, because I want it so much :) 

All in all this trip went really great and I was very happy came back to Tallinn :D Oh, how much I love this city!!! It makes me smile where ever I go, what ever I do, it inspires me for so many ideas and works... There is a special atmosphere here, which surrounds me and of course it's because of the people, who are so creative, open even a big cold, but at the same time close to me, because of the thinking they have :)
After I arrived back to Tallinn it passed just 3 days and I had to leave, because I had trip Tallinn-Vilnius-Kaunas-London and back... If not the event I attended in London, I would say that what I did it was so stupid, but it was worth it even to have such a long trip!!! I wrote you two months ago that I bought with my brother tickets to "National Achievers Congress" and the time came to go finally there to see what is that special about it and it was SPECIAL, AMAZING and AWESOME!!! Such a good atmosphere, interesting people and people on the stage who gained so much money, but they are using them for a good reason - to help others, such as kids in Africa! I was impressed that they are such a good hearted! 
I wish you to save money and to go there at the time they will do it again somewhere in the world, because it may change your life, thinking, will get you ideas worth millions, will talk to you and give you a hand... Ach, why I am saying here? Read what I wrote in this article and you will understand :)

Special THANK YOU goes to my brother, who spent the time together with me and later on sent me a message saying how grateful he is for me of everything I did for him :) and for AUŠRA and her family, because she took care of us as a real mother and enjoyed our company so much :)

How ever I decided one thing never to do - to fly with "Ryanair" :D God, such a bad service that I didn't have for such a long time! Even "Simpleexpress" for a trip worth 3 euros gives more comfort than that company, who flight was worth 100 euros! It seems that for me no longer money is important than respect for a person as a person, not the "item"!

Anyways, I came back home with the best bus company "Simpleexpress" to Tallinn and started a crazy-busy week! What I did this previous week? As I promised for myself to say for everything (ok, almost everything :D) YES, so I did this week and were going to meetings, parties, comedy night and celebrated a birthday! What's the most important is that I met so much good people that I was impressed about :) they are so talented, educated, with a strong oppinion, big travelling experience and strong "life university" :) I am grateful for them, because they improved me, I hope I did a little bit of it too for them :)

What else I did? I wrote an article, which I have just shared with you and I am glad I was evaluated by the redactor so well that I am going to work for "Bzn start"" more to improve my writing skills :)
I am also going to meet "Toastmasters" club members this week and maybe to get involved into their group to make my speaking skills in front of the audience better :)
I am also learning Estonian language and on this Friday will have an exam! I am pretty sure I will get the worst mark ever, because I was studying it almost just for 3 weeks, so I barely can say a sentence, but I will have oral exam :D life kicks what ever you would say :D more funny is that this week I will be busy with meetings every evening and (!) right on Friday my parents are coming, vyyyyy (as Erika says) :D 
Almost forgot to say that I was asked to present Lithuania Adult Education and I did it... without saying any good word about :( :) I don't know if I will be jugde for it, but I could find almost nothing good about it... Ups :D
Funny thing happened that during one class I met Lithuanian girl, who I was emailing because I want to attend event of organization, which connects young Lithuanians in Tallinn. Such a small world, I thought, but we were happy that we got to know each other, finally, and hopefully we will do some good works for people here :)
Also I met estonian guy who speaks so good in Lithuanian that I was looking into him with such a surprise while he was saying me everything in Lithuanian :)))
Finally, I have so much thing to do that I wish that day would have more than 24 hours and between I wouldn't need to sleep and eat :D 

My dear followers, I wish you to do the same and much more than I did to say that life kicks and makes you go futher! I will try to do more and more updates in the future to show more details about my life, which is so nice, I guess :D

For the end I have you one task - promise yourself to keep on doing one thing for 30 days, it can be not eating something or doing sport, more over, just thinking possitive, which we lucking so much!!! Make your life better and worth to live and let mel finish with Donald Trump words:

"SUCCESS is caused by the inner confidence, you should love yourself and want a VICTORY!"

Always Yours,